Shoulder Dislocation

Physio for Dislocated Shoulder

What Is A Dislocated Shoulder?

A dislocated shoulder is a common sports injury that we see at The Physiotherapy Place. It happens when the top of the humerus (arm) bone slips out of the shoulder socket. This can be either:

  • traumatic such as falling onto the arm or lifting a heavy weight above your head

  • atraumatic such as repetitive stress from throwing a ball, which gradually loosens the shoulder joint leading to instability

The shoulder is a very mobile joint which helps us move our hands to lots of positions around the body, but this means that it sacrifices some stability so it is one of the more commonly dislocated joints in the body. When the humerus dislocates out of the socket there is usually some damage to the surrounding ligaments, and on occasion there might also be damage to the cartilage lining within the joint.

How Do You Fix A Shoulder Dislocation?

Often an acutely dislocated shoulder will relocate itself quickly after the incident. If not then help should be sought from a trained healthcare professional who will relocate it for you. If it is a first time dislocation then it will usually be treated conservatively, that is allowed to repair and strengthen with guided rehabilitation. If it is a recurrent problem then that would indicate that there is instability in the shoulder and it may require surgical intervention.

What Is The Fastest Way To Heal A Dislocated Shoulder?

Protecting the shoulder from further damage is very important in the first 2-3 weeks as the ligaments and soft tissue that have been damaged near to begin to repair and strengthen. The focus is then on strengthening the surrounding musculature including the rotator cuff muscles as much as possible to give the joint the strength and stability it needs to function fully.

Can A Dislocated Shoulder Heal Itself?

If it is a first time dislocation and there isn’t extensive damage to the joint tissue then the shoulder can normally heal really well as long as the correct precautions are taken. If the shoulder has become unstable due to repeated dislocations then it may need surgically stabilised.

Is A Shoulder Dislocation Serious?

Yes it is a serious injury and even it relocates immediately, you should have it checked out by a medical professional. It will usually be x-rayed to check for fracture and you will be referred onwards for further tests if it is deemed necessary.

What Exercise Can I Do For A Dislocated Shoulder?

The focus is very much on regaining strength and stability of the injured shoulder. The rotator cuff muscles are one of the most important muscle groups to strengthen as their main job is keep the head of the humerus bone sucked into the socket of the shoulder.

What To Avoid With A Shoulder Dislocation?

Special care should be taken when undertaking any work or activity overhead as this is a position of vulnerability for a shoulder that has been dislocated. Your strengthening program will be designed to strengthen the shoulder in these vulnerable positions so that once recovery is made you should be able to return to your normal activities.

What Will A Physiotherapist Do?

A physio will:

  • fully assess all of the ligaments surrounding the shoulder to identify any that have been damaged and are unstable

  • provide treatment to relax muscle spasm, encourage healing of the damaged ligaments and ease pain

  • compile a detailed exercise program that can be commenced and progressed as your injury heals

Following this protocol should give you the best chance of a quick and full return to action, and reduce the risk of re-injury further down the line.