Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS)

Hand holding GUNN IMS Needles

Niall McGregor, Physio at The Physiotherapy Place, has been trained in the treatment technique of Gunn IMS to a very high standard while living in Canada, where IMS is widely used to treat patients by physiotherapists and doctors. He is the only person in Scotland that uses the treatment and now has people travelling from afar to have their chronic pain treated. Often his patients have been living with pain for months, if not years, and have tried everything. IMS is yielding amazing results. 

What Is Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation (IMS)?

Gunn Intramuscular Stimulation, or IMS for short, is a technique used by physiotherapists since it was developed in the 1970’s in Vancouver by the pain specialist Dr. Chan Gunn. IMS is used for the assessment and treatment of chronic pain that is neuropathic in nature. This usually manifests as chronic tightness and stiffness such as in long-term back and neck pain

IMS involves the use of very thin needles which are inserted into the tight muscles that have been affected by neuropathy. This creates a ‘grasp’ or cramp sensation which results in the muscle releasing, taking the tension off the muscle and surrounding structures. In this way, hypersensitive muscles can be desensitised and the persistent pull of short muscles can be released, which ultimately resolves your pain.

What Should I Expect?

After a few tests and measurements are taken, IMS is performed by inserting needles into the muscles that are causing you pain. The needles go in and come straight back out again - this is different to acupuncture where the needles remain in place for 10-20 minutes. This means that this part of the treatment usually only takes a few minutes. Measurements are then retaken to see if there has been a change.

Will It Hurt?

As is the case with many physiotherapy treatments, you might ache after you have had IMS done. This is especially the case the first time you have it but then generally speaking it gets easier each time after that. Most people describe the sensation of IMS as ‘like a mini cramp’ which only lasts for a second until the muscle releases. The quick relief that IMS can bring usually outweighs any discomfort you get from having the treatment done.

What Does IMS Treat?

IMS is used to treat most pain conditions in the body, but is particularly effective at treating problems that haven’t responded to other forms of treatment. This includes:

How Many Sessions Will I Need And How Much Will It Cost?

After the first session of IMS I usually try to have a review in as close to 1 week as possible. Typically the treatment is performed weekly initially and as symptoms reduce and muscles relax, treatments are spread out. There is no additional cost to IMS, it is performed within a normal physiotherapy appointment.

How Long Does The Pain Relief Last For?

When performed well, IMS has a remarkable success rate, reducing symptoms in long term chronic conditions that may have been present for months or even years, giving long lasting and often permanent results

What Our Clients Say…

“I heard about Niall through family who all had great results with him. I travelled from Aberdeen to try him out and was so impressed with the results for multiple back problems, that all of my private medical health services have been unable to resolve, that I continued to visit from Aberdeen. He used the Guns IMS needle technique along with physical manipulation and an exercise program and achieved better results than all of the physios and chiropractors I tried in Aberdeen. He is also a very personable guy which helps when you are stuck in a small room with him for 30 mins at a time :)”

“I’ve had lower back trouble since I was 15, I’ve tried basic physio and massage for years (I’m now 37) but it was only ever short term relief from the pain and stiffness. After one 30 minute IMS session with Niall my back instantly felt more supple and loose and the stiffness had gone. I’m writing this 4 hours after and I can’t believe how well it’s worked. I’ve booked in for another session next week. I can’t believe what a difference one session has made after all these years of trying other therapies. Thanks for your amazing work!”

“Simply the best. I've tried many forms of massage therapy over the last 15 years, for stiff shoulders and neck (the usual computer-use-related things). Niall's physio work, plus the magic of Gunn IMS, has been a revelation. More effective and longer-lasting than anything else I've tried.”