Tension Headaches

Tension Headaches Treatment

What Is A Tension Headache?

There are many different things that can cause headaches, one of which is from issues related to tension in the neck. Neck pain or stiffness and muscle tension in the neck can refer pain up into the head and these types of headache are termed tension, or cervicogenic headaches. Tension headaches are one of the most debilitating types of pain, causing physical and emotional stress as it can be very difficult to concentrate or switch off from it whilst it is present. Thankfully we have specialised treatments at The Physiotherapy Place that can help.

What Does A Tension Headache Feel Like?

Some signs that your headache is cervicogenic are:

  • pain on one side of the head or face

  • pain that stays in one spot - commonly on the forehead or behind the eye

  • steady pain that doesn’t throb

  • stiff or achey neck

There are also some symptoms of tension headache that are similar to those of a migraine such as nausea or a sensitivity to light, so all symptoms must be noted in order to make a proper diagnosis.

What Triggers Tension Headaches?

There are many things that can trigger tension headaches. Traumatic events such as a bang to the head or whiplash can create neck stiffness and nerve irritation that can lead to persistent headaches. More commonly, headaches will gradually creep up on us without any specific incident that we can pin it to. These headaches are mostly due to excess strain being put on the muscles, bones and nerves of the neck, which eventually cause a headache. The most common reasons for this happening are poor posture (sitting with your shoulders rounded and head forward), stiffness in the joints of the neck, and stress which increases muscle tension in our neck and jaw.

How Long Can These Headaches Last?

Tension headaches can last several months if the triggers aren’t eradicated and it is left untreated. The good news it that they can almost always be effectively treated with physiotherapy. Finding and treating the cause as well as the symptoms will lead to quick relief from the headache and if managed properly it shouldn’t become a recurring problem.

Can Tension Headaches Cause Dizziness?

Yes it can be one of the many things that can contribute to dizziness. Your dizziness will be assessed by a physio to see whether it is related to your headache but if it comes on at the same time, there is a good chance that is related.

How Do You Get Rid Of Cervicogenic Headaches?

Finding and correcting all causative factors is an important first step in settling your headache down. This might involve correcting your posture at your desk, using stress-management techniques such as breathing exercises, and releasing the tension from the exact muscles, joints, and nerves that are causing the headache. Once these measures are taken there is often quick relief from the headache, and a full recovery is made in a short space of time.

What Will A Physiotherapist Do?

After fully assessing your head and neck to discover the cause of your headache, I use a combination of mobilisation and soft tissue release to loosen any stiff areas in the neck that might be contributing to your headache. If there is nerve irritation contributing to the tightness in the muscles around the neck and shoulders then I use a technique called Gunn IMS, which uses thin needles to stimulate the nerves and release these tight muscles. This is usually the most effective way to get quick relief.