Dry Needling

Dry needles in place in lower back

What Is Dry Needling?

Dry Needling refers to any treatment that involves the insertion of needles without any fluid being injected into the body i.e. it is a ‘dry’ procedure and it is the therapeutic effect of the actual needle that is sought after. Acupuncture and Gunn IMS are two treatments that we do at The Physiotherapy Place that could come under the term dry needling, but most commonly when we talk about dry needling we are referring to trigger point dry needling.

What Is A Trigger Point?

Trigger points are tight, tender spots in a muscle that build up over time due to poor posture or muscle fatigue. These are what many people call knots in the muscle and they can produce pain locally and also pain in an adjacent area.

How Will Dry Needling Help?

Sometimes these trigger points can be worked out with soft tissue release techniques and stretching, but the release produced by treating them with dry needling is stronger, quicker, and longer lasting. The needle directly stimulates the trigger point causing a release that can usually be felt instantly.

What Should I Expect?

Dry needling uses the same needles that are used in acupuncture. Once a trigger point has been detected, the needle is carefully inserted through the skin into the muscle and when it reaches its target destination, a mild contraction is felt around the needle followed by a release. The needle is then taken out and disposed of. This process is repeated with other trigger points until all areas have been treated.

Will It Hurt?

The thought of any treatment that involves needles is normally always worse than the treatment itself. You normally don’t feel much as the needle is inserted due to the quick technique that bypasses the sensory receptors on the skin. The sensation of the muscle contracting around the needle is unusual and sometimes mildly unpleasant but most people report that it isn’t nearly as sore as they thought it might be. Afterwards you may feel a mild ache as the treatment takes effect.

What Does Dry Needling Treat?

Dry needling is effectively used in the treatment of many conditions where muscle tightness is a contributing factor. These include:

How Many Sessions Will I Need And How Much Will It Cost?

Dry needling is performed within a normal physiotherapy appointment so there is no additional cost. The number of sessions depends on the problem being treated but performed well, dry needling can markedly reduce the recovery from an injury.

What Our Clients Say…

“I heard about Niall through family who all had great results with him. I travelled from Aberdeen to try him out and was so impressed with the results for multiple back problems, that all of my private medical health services have been unable to resolve, that I continued to visit from Aberdeen. He used the Guns IMS needle technique along with physical manipulation and an exercise program and achieved better results than all of the physios and chiropractors I tried in Aberdeen. He is also a very personable guy which helps when you are stuck in a small room with him for 30 mins at a time :)”

“I’ve had lower back trouble since I was 15, I’ve tried basic physio and massage for years (I’m now 37) but it was only ever short term relief from the pain and stiffness. After one 30 minute IMS session with Niall my back instantly felt more supple and loose and the stiffness had gone. I’m writing this 4 hours after and I can’t believe how well it’s worked. I’ve booked in for another session next week. I can’t believe what a difference one session has made after all these years of trying other therapies. Thanks for your amazing work!”

“Simply the best. I've tried many forms of massage therapy over the last 15 years, for stiff shoulders and neck (the usual computer-use-related things). Niall's physio work, plus the magic of Gunn IMS, has been a revelation. More effective and longer-lasting than anything else I've tried.”

More dry needling reviews here.