3 Physiotherapy Exercises For Frozen Shoulder

If you are someone who suffers from frozen shoulder then try these stretches. In addition to good posture, these physio stretches can really help to reduce pressure on the shoulders and give you relief from pain.

Frozen Shoulder Stretch 1

Frozen Shoulder Stretch

Stand in a door frame with your elbows bent to 90 degrees and your arms lifted out to the side as high as they will comfortably go (this may not be very high initially). Place your hands on the door frame on either side and gently lean your body forward through the door until you feel a stretch through the front of the shoulders on both sides. Hold the stretch for 30 seconds, relax and then repeat a further 2 times. 

Stretch 2

Frozen Shoulder Stretch Edinburgh Physio

Stand with your back against a wall and shoulder blades flat against the surface. Lift your sore arm across the front of your chest and hold the elbow with the other hand. With the sore arm as relaxed as possible, use your other hand to gently push the sore arm across the body until you feel a stretch in the back of the shoulder joint. Hold for 30 seconds, release and then repeat 3 times. 

Stretch 3

Stretch for frozen shoulder that won’t go away

A good stretch to get deep into the shoulder joint is hold a towel behind your head with the unaffected arm as if you are going to dry your back. Now reach behind your back and grab the towel with the sore arm and do the motion of drying your back so that the towel will assist in pulling your sore arm up your back to give it a good stretch.

How Often Should I Exercise My Frozen Shoulder?

Ideally these stretches should be performed every couple of hours whilst your symptoms persist. If you feel that you aren’t getting anywhere or are too sore to stretch then an assessment and treatment from a physio should be sought. With frozen shoulders there are a number of treatment techniques that we use to reduce the pain and relax the surrounding muscles which will allow the stretches to be done more comfortably.

If you want to find out more about how we can help you here at The Physiotherapy Place, arrange a time that one of our Physio's can give you a call here or book an appointment here.

FREE Physio E-Book - 8 Top Tips for Frozen Shoulder 

A very common cause of shoulder pain is frozen shoulder. Some who seek help from their GP will be prescribed rest and painkillers, but most of the time this will not solve the problem. 

Here, you'll find our top 8 tips on reducing shoulder pain and regaining movement in your shoulder.